Author Guidelines

These are the submission guidelines of International Journal of Eco-Innovation in Science and Engineering (IJEISE) :

General Requirements

  1. The article must be an original manuscript with or without supporting documents.
  2. The article must not be published in any publication media and do not contain of plagiarism.
  3. The article is written in English
  4. The length of the article is at least 5 pages and not more than 10 pages.
  5. IJEISE use IEEE style for formatting and reference management and we also use Mendeley, EndNote and Zetero applications.

Manuscript Structure

  1. The manuscript provided in A4 paper size with the margin 2.8 cm for the top of the page and ending with 2.4 cm for the bottom. The left and the right margins should be 2.4 cm.
  2. The article should not more than 8000 words inclusive of all part of the manuscript.
  3. The article must be in MS word doc and the format using 12 size Calibri fonts and 1,5 space. Add an 11 – point space after the text in each section or subsection.
  4. The title use format 20 size Calibri fonts, for author’s name (12 size Calibri fonts) and affiliation (11 size Calibri fonts).
  5. The affiliation includes institution, address and email address.
  6. The abstract is consisted of 150-200 words and completed with 3-5 keywords.
  7. Introduction consist of background issue, hypothesis, literature review and research purpose.
  8. Material and Method should explain subject and object research and write how the article data has been conducted.
  9. Result and Discussion consist of data or information related to research aim. It should be written systematically with logic description. Table, schema, figure, maps, image and other must be completed with title and number.
  10. Conclusion is the author interpretation from result and discussion to give advice and recommendation.



Manuscript Submission

Author submits their manuscript through online here and uploads their manuscript in our journal web. Author will be guided with some steps to upload their manuscript. The manuscript submission must be in MS word document format and be able to be edited by the double-blind peer-review purpose.

 Reviewing of manuscripts

All submitted manuscript will be reviewed by two peer-reviewers independently. Publication, amendment, or rejection decisions are based on their respond toward the manuscript. If the peer-reviewers consider a manuscript is unsuitable for this journal, editorial will sent an statement explaining the basis for the decision within two months of the submission date.

Revision of manuscripts

Manuscript will be sent back to the author to be revised. The revision manuscripts must be returned to the editorial team. Revised manuscript can be sent through the online submission interface to editorial team. (

Acceptance and Publication

Copy editor will sent an email to corresponding authors with a link to our online proofing system to correct of proofs online. The format is similar to MS Word to edit the text, author can comment on figures/tables and answer the question from copy editor. Author must ensure that all correction are sent back to us in one communication because copy editors do not guarantee for any subsequent correction.